Reply to post: Re: IBM OS/400 Branding on Alien Interference?

Oh, hi there, SKYNET: US military wants self-enhancing software that will outlive its creators

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: IBM OS/400 Branding on Alien Interference?

Technology Independent Machine Interface = Plain Text Humanoid Readable whenever DIMM Chipped Mankind is a collection of Virtual Machines programmed by AI for Leading Boffins.

And all fools waste time and effort in space trying to decide on which comes first in that revolutionary chicken and egg.

Oh, and something for DARPA to be getting their heads around for Future Autonomous Command and Absolute Global Control via BRASS and AIdDVenturing in Alternate Channels and Dark Web Networks ...... ..... but the field is a market place of intense lucrative competitive interest, and even localised terror concern, given what can be so easily done with the DIMM Ignorant Media Machine.

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