Reply to post: Re: Distribution architecture vulnerability

SPY FRY: Smart meters EXPLODE in Californian power surge

Peter2 Silver badge

Re: Distribution architecture vulnerability

The UK network was mainly constructed by a government owned industry.

Actually, we had about 600 separate grids all running at different voltages until somebody came up with the idea of standardising a high voltage series of interconnects between power plants and to each grid so losing a power plant didn't result in a power cut. (After low takeup) the use of this was mandated by law and the government bought the main grid after WW2 when labour nationalised every industry in sight, but i'm not convinced government deserves the credit for our grid.

Also in the UK most of the low voltage lines (240v/440v) are underground not the ugly overhead line jungle that you find in third world countries and the US.

To be fair, in the UK that generally applies to houses built since electricity was discovered.

Properties that are older than that tend to have power and phone cables delivered via pole instead of via buried underground, especially in the countryside on (or near) flood plains.

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