Reply to post: Re: The opposite situation

Barry Obama declares national emergency over foreign hackers


Re: The opposite situation

It's a perfectly reasonable point to raise, and not just a "ali hat foil wearer" statement. The US is believed to be the most likely source of the Stuxnet virus which targeted Iranian reactors, cables released by Snowden revealed the US spying on foreign leaders during G8, including their allies, and numerous other incidents. Whether it's right or not, the fact is they're apparently now claiming that nobody else is allowed to do that to them even though they're doing it to others

Also there's a good chance that the previous poster isn't from the US since their focus was on what the US does to the rest of the world, which means they have no ability to influence acts by the US government whatsoever under any democratic system, so comments about democracy being hard and Nigeria are completely irrelevant (especially the Nigeria one, not sure what the relevance of that is even if they *are* American)

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