Reply to post: Re: Im all for this

Mighty Blighty broadbanders beg: Let us lay cable in BT's, er, ducts

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Im all for this

"In my humble opinion the reason that Openreach don't fibre up those areas is simply that they'll start losing revenue from their leased line sales"

No shit, Sherlock, except it works like this:

BTOR don't sell leased lines, they sell copper pairs that BTW stick NTUs on .

BTW will lose revenue from leased line sales if there's fibre or VDSL in the area and pass concerns about this on to BT head Office.

BT Head Office order BTOR not to lay out fibre or VDSL services in the area and to cite economics as the driver.

So, without any direct communication between BTW and BTOR, you have anticompetitive collusion.

A fully divested infrastructure company would be largely immune to this kind of gerrymandering.

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