Reply to post: Re: Too soon

Cross-dressing blokes storm NSA HQ: One shot dead, one hurt

Anonymous Coward

Re: Too soon

"How many deaths a year? 50? 100? 1000? "

You know what? I'm fine with this kind of risk. It may sound corny, but our forefathers actually DID fight and really WERE willing to put their lives on the line for the freedoms that we are supposed to enjoy and stand for. If it pleases you, I'll be happy to invoke placenames like Lexington and Concord, Valley Forge, Gettysburg, the Argonne, Bataan, Normandy and the Chosin Reservoir, where Americans died to hand us something that was genuinely unique in the history of mankind

I don't mind risking my life to preserve these ideals that are really the only thing that makes America special. I don't mind taking a larger-than-normal risk to preserve these freedoms. We're the world's first ideologically-founded nation, the originator of a new model of nation-building compared to the traditional ethnically founded nation states or ethnicity-oppressing empires that came before us. Ultimately, if Americans become so cowed by the off chance that they will get killed in an extremist car bombing that we are willing to surrender our freedoms in return for a little more safety, then the nation loses its identity and becomes like France without the French or China without Chinese. At that point we are essentially a continent-sized gated community for relatively rich humans.

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