Reply to post: It's never gay or straight

Apple's Tim Cook and Salesforce's Marc Benioff DECLARE WAR on anti-gay Indiana

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

It's never gay or straight

Funnily enough, I have to agree with the Craigness argument, up to a point but for very different reasons.

The real issue at hand should be:

To what degree does the government have the right to interfere with people's private lives ?

Sexual preferences are just one aspect of private life. If someone is gay, or black or Jewish, they should not be the object of discrimination, it is as simple as that. Indiana does not need to create gay-discrimination laws anymore than Mississippi needed to create Jim Crow laws, nor should they.

Similar cases regarding people's race brought racial discrimination cases to a head in the 50s and 60s. The result was sweeping civil rights legislation which eliminated a virtual US state of racial apartheid at unparalleled speed.

When discrimination against a person's sexual orientation becomes an infringement on people's civil rights, (as it currently is for sex, race, religion and so on) then laws like those proposed by Indiana, will become instant non-starters.

And if history repeats itself, Cook was not only right to speak up, he may help ensure these laws are pilloried in Federal Courts.

There is nothing wrong with public figures speaking their mind about the issues of the day, they are citizens just like anyone else, but with a bigger public audience.

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