Reply to post: Re: Torn

Apple's Tim Cook and Salesforce's Marc Benioff DECLARE WAR on anti-gay Indiana

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Torn

> The law does promote rights. It's just that it's rights some people don't want us to have

Under US Law, there is no right - implicit or explicit - to discriminate aganist a class of people based on reasons having nothing to do with legal rights or ability.

There is no constitutional or statutory right today - in the USA - to refuse to sell flowers to gay people, just as there is no right to refuse to sell flowers to blond people, or to people who have green eyes., or to people who wear shoes size 10 1/2.

This is something the bigoted class - class that you appear to faithfully represent here - has never been able to comprehend: that the notion of "religious freedom" gives you the right to create a Tort. It does not.

Like it or not, the US - just like many other countries in the world - has a secular form of government. While the Constitutional System in the US prohibits the Government from creating favorite religions, it does not prevent the Government from enforcing its laws based on some nebulous and undefined religious freedom claim.

You may believe that religious freedom has no bounds. If you believed that, you would be wrong.

If this secular model does not fit your views, feel free to relocate to Saudi Arabia. In that country you can beat your wife to death, or you can behead people for being gay, or for posting on Facebook, all in the name of upholding your religious freedoms.

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