Reply to post: @Skydweller: Re: Indiana, WTF?

Apple's Tim Cook and Salesforce's Marc Benioff DECLARE WAR on anti-gay Indiana

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@Skydweller: Re: Indiana, WTF?


yup, that is it in a nutshell, they really are that narrow minded, bigoted f'wits.

I can also relate to this as my (American) mother-in-law genuinely thinks that anyone that isn't married and doesn't have 2.24 kids is surely the spawn of the devil.

And if they are in any way at all A BIT QUEER, then OMG her reaction is a sight to behold.

As to who benefits, well the bigots probably take it as a reaffirmation that they are right (and therefore normal), and the rest of the world can figuratively (and to their minds, hopefully too) go to hell...

Of course ~7% of them and their kids are queer, not that they would acknowledge that of course...



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