Reply to post: So... The Reg editorial line is in favour of geo-blocking? Didn't see that one coming.

Europe could be drowned in 'worthless pop culture' thanks to EU copyright plans


So... The Reg editorial line is in favour of geo-blocking? Didn't see that one coming.

Obviously this comments section needs more people wasting good pixels taking the opportunity to criticise the EU, because this story mentioned the EU. It doesn't matter if your problem with the EU has nothing to do with copyright, get typing!

But on topic, as the more sane commenters have pointed out, the Polish org is talking nonsense, and geo-blocking is absurd - allowing for price-fixing, increasing the likelihood of piracy etc etc.

If I'm an independent Polish artist wanting to release my new single "The Reg's Ideological Opposition to the EU Has Forced It Into the Hilarious Position of Supporting Geo-blocking", the ability of Spanish, Italian, or yes, Polish people in the UK being able to buy that single only benefits me, and promotes the Polish culture that daft org claims to be protecting.

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