Reply to post: Re: Devonian?

HUGE Aussie asteroid impact sent TREMORS towards the EARTH'S CORE


Re: Devonian?

"angle, velocity, etc and what did it hit"

There's only a limited range of velocities for most asteroids (vs comets) hitting a planet: 1x to 2x the planet's escape velocity. An asteroid approaching a planet from "astern" will probably have a low initial velocity relative to the planet and be accelerated to the planet's escape velocity by the time it hits. Crossing and head-on impacts add the asteroids' higher relative initial velocity to the planet's escape velocity, but such asteroids - given the range of asteroid velocities in the Solar system - aren't going to be much higher than Earth's escape velocity.

Comets have a wider range of velocities because they pick up quite a head of steam as the drop into the inner system.

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