Reply to post: Re: Potty Re: @Trevor Don't buy US kit

Cisco posts kit to empty houses to dodge NSA chop shops

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Potty Re: @Trevor Don't buy US kit

".....surely changing as BRICS countries rise to power...." LMAO!!!! I mean, your diatribe was too childishly amusing for words, but that bit about the BRICS just made my day! Shall we take a closer look at your BRICS?

Firstly Brazil, neck-deep in the brown stuff over government-aided mass corruption in their petrol industry, the (socialist) President holding on by her fingertips. Oh, and the same petrol industry that is rapidly caving under the pressure of the drop in oil prices almost as badly as Venzuela's.

Russia? Topping the list of human-rights abusers where political opponents just get shot in daylight. Putin doesn't even bother with 'disappearing' his victims. Oh, and also with an economy caving under the pressure of sanctions due to the illegal annexation of Crimea and the drop in oil prices, what's left of the rest of the economy having been picked over by Putin's chums the oligarchs.

India is a possible bright light if it could get over the fixations with Pakistan and China. Oh, and the fact that it has a staggering level of difference between the haves and the have-nots that makes the US look egalitarian by comparison. Throw in notoriously rampant nepotism and corruption so endemic they don't even try to hide it, and the continuing brain-drain because their brightest and best all want to study and work in the UK or US.

China? All sailing along fine in best sweatshop economy fashion as long as the American consumerism you spit bile about was in top gear, but dropped off a lot after 2008. Chinese growth is stalling and the even the drop in oil prices to half that of a year ago has not stimulated the Chinese economy in the way hoped. Meanwhile, the charge to catch up technologically with the West has caused massive damage to the Chinese environment (now officially the most polluted country on the planet), yet has only left them hobbled to the American economy and dependent on copying Western products and tech.

And South Africa? Teetering on the edge with the ruling political party bringing corruption and nepotism to the usual African levels. Most of their skilled and educated white workforce have long-since left for other countries and the gap is being filled by Chinese companies which are busy exploiting Third World countries with zero regard for anything other than the short term. Just ask Mozambique how the Chinese "helped" them.

You might know some of this if you actually read some news.

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