Reply to post: Re: Apple's process isn't fully automated

Google adds evil-code scanning to Play Store

wolfetone Silver badge

Re: Apple's process isn't fully automated

I don't know what Apple do, but they do not test the apps that are submitted to the App Store.

I built an app for a client that ran on Android and iOS, and I used Appcelerator to achieve this. It worked perfectly on Android, and it was alright on the simulator for iOS (I don't have an iPhone). It wasn't until I submitted the app, and it was accepted and published on the App Store, that my girlfriend tried it out and she found an app breaking bug. The whole thing crashed.

Further to this, in the submission, I gave them details on how to test the app and what they could expect. Using the app generates an email which is sent to both the user and the client - no emails were generated. Not because it didn't work, but because the app simply wasn't used.

So it's fine to try and pass off Apple's App Store as the standard bearer, but to me it's absolutely no better than Android in the way they review apps.

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