Reply to post: Re: read around...

Grab your pitchforks: Ubuntu to switch to systemd on Monday


Re: read around...

journalctl gives you pretty much what catting the log file gives. It also has various options for filtering the output, or printing in reverse.

Well, that stuff could be useful occaisionally. Something to bring the relevant sections of various logs into order could also be nice (trying to track down a problem with the mail server, but is it the imap server, firewall, authentication or something else that is wrong? Would be cool to read the logs in one sequence! :)

However, what I know of it so far (and what I've read from it's main promoters own hands), Systemd (does the "D" stand for "disrupt" or "destroy" or somesuch?) still makes me quite nervous. Over the years many things (and people) have done that. Sometimes I've been proven right, others wrong. if it turns out to be good then my thanks to the writers. If not, then may the whole thing blow up in your faces ending your careers in computing, but not doing any real harm to anyone else.

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