Reply to post: Re: Comic Sans


Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Comic Sans

If they claim Comic Sans is irredeemable while holding Helvetica up as the flawless pinnacle of type design, I change the subject entirely - life's too short to listen to second-hand dogma.

Indeed. Anyone with any aesthetic sense would say "Palatino or GTFO".

Seriously - I admit I don't understand the adoration of Helvetica either. (No, I didn't catch the documentary. One of these days...) It's easy to argue that it's better-designed than some of the alternative sans-serif fonts, like Microsoft's broken Verdana (with its disproportionate x-height), but idolizing any typeface is pretty stupid, since they have different uses and there's a huge subjective element anyway.

To be honest, I've never been all that keen on the "humanist grotesque" typefaces anyway, at least for print applications. (For some screen applications they may be more readable.)

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