Reply to post: Re: Reading order?

Sir Terry remembered: Dickens' fire, Tolkien's imagination, and the wit of Wodehouse


Re: Reading order?

CoM is a mixed bag of sorts. The first time I read it, I remember thinking it was 'okay'. I stuck with it however, and 'Guards! Guards!' (as well as 'Mort') was the big payoff as far as I am concerned.

To me it makes sense to turn the wary reader onto 'Guards! Guards!' first before tackling the earlier DW novels. Either way, a new reader must read beyond the first two books to get the full DW reading experience.

With my son however, I expect I will gradually introduce the stories before reading age and hopefully he will catch on that way. (he is just 4 m.o. so I still have time to re-adjust my strategy)

Just one more novel to go... I had wished for many more, but what was provided was truly generous. Thank you Terry.

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