Reply to post: Re: Politicians. Who needs them, except they themselves*?

Bulk comms spying is not mission creep, insists UK foreign sec

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Politicians. Who needs them, except they themselves*?

Oh, and whenever government and intelligence services know that markets are rigged, ... .... and they say and do nothing at all effective in righting the wrong that is being done day and daily, what does that make them both, both before and after the fact?

Or do they live in inglorious bliss and arrogant pig ignorance of such facts and shenanigans and are then easily abused and misused for private and personal gain on an unprecedented scale by market makers and leaders and their camp followers?

And now that they know, for they hereby have been told and the Register shares the news and info freely, what are they going to do about it, to prove that they are not just as incompetent useless impotent idiots and totally unfit for the future and Great IntelAIgent Game purpose?

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