Reply to post: Re: Luddites?

We have no self-control: America's most powerful men explain why they're scared of email

Eddy Ito

Re: Luddites?

it bothers me very much that people who have so much power are so out of touch with the day-to-day realities of the people they represent.

It seems like a rather large leap to say that not using email puts them out of touch with their constituency.

It's very likely that most if not all other federal politicians have staff handle most email. As Senators they represent the entire state so there are potentially millions of emails on any given topic and to think they need to read it all to stay in touch seems a bit naive. Heck a spam filter could be trained to sort emails "for" or "against" the sujet du jour to see which way the political wind is blowing and don't think something similar isn't being used on a large scale. It's what keeps populists popular.

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