Reply to post: How about a train just a bit faster

Elon Musk plans to plonk urban Hyperloop subsonic tube on California

MachDiamond Silver badge

How about a train just a bit faster

California is already committed to bankrupting itself with a high speed train projected to cost around $68 billion dollars (likely to go way past the initial budget). A much better first step would be to get a "higher" speed train running from San Diego to Seattle, WA. It's currently faster to drive and cheaper for petrol/diesel for every segment except the full run since you might nod off towards the end. Amtrak, the US passenger train system, shares tracks owned by the freight companies and must yield to their trains causing lots of delays. The tracks are also not maintained and sequestered for trains traveling 100mph.

I would expect that the Hyperloop system would demand low/no interest government loans and all sorts of tax breaks/credits for the jobs it would create. Nevermind that those jobs would likely have been at the expense of the airline industry.

The biggest question is whether either the Hyperloop or High Speed Rail are of any benefit. Those that need to travel quickly can find a seat on one of the many airplanes traveling up and down the state every day. For people like me that enjoy the more leisurely pace of the train can budget the time to take one. Driving is also a good option for those that need to transport more than an overnight bag and prefer not to get groped by people that can't get a job in fast food. Driving also has the benefits of being more schedule flexible and you have a vehicle when you get to your destination.

A faster standard rail service would be a good bridge between driving and taking a plane. Trying to compete with air travel times is a bit silly. One accident or any significant downtime on that one track is going to send customers streaming back to more established transportation modes.

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