Reply to post: Re: Back in the day

Assemblers were once people: My aunt did it for NASA

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Back in the day

"6 feet of wire later, realized that this was a very effective delay line !"

The engineers developing our System 4/70 mainframe prototype in 1967 used a loop of several feet of twisted pair wires when a problem indicated a delay was needed.

That particular prototype used a new range of fans - several of which were blowing upwards through the roof of each of the many high cabinets. They burned out so often that we ended up putting a strip of papertape over each one, with one end weighed down by a large nut. The top of each cabinet then had an array of these white flickering tongues. If a fan failed it was quickly noticed and replaced.

The normal engineering component fault paperwork used to have the dates of fitting and failure - it had to be extended to date, hour, and minute.

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