Reply to post: "Only one remains compulsory: the BBC"

Don't pay for the BBC? Then no Doctor Who for you, I'm afraid

Daggerchild Silver badge

"Only one remains compulsory: the BBC"

Well, I on-demand - I don't own, watch or record TV, so it isn't.

I was very impressed by the one 'pay only for what you need' model I used - Sky Sports splits a competition across *all* of their optional channels so I only *needed* to pay for them *all* to get all of anything. Funnily enough that cost a *lot*.

But really, I thought the BBC existed to supply people's needs, not just their wants. People won't pay for what they may need but *don't* want. As it stands, love em or hate em, everyone gets the BBC equally. Demanding we split ourselves into classes of haves and have-nots... hrm...

What was the headline Doctor Who threat about though? I can watch Doctor Who on iPlayer without a licence. Is the proposed model changing that?

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