Reply to post: Re: Grow up Tech Executives....

Lenovo CTO: Hey, look around – we're not the only ones with a crapware infection


Re: Grow up Tech Executives....


Right with you, mate.

I am hoping that enough people punish this kind of bad behaviour that it makes a difference. But there is an equally-likely outcomes which is that the majority simple don't care enough or pay enough attention for it to really change the industry. In the end, people opt for convenience, price and features and seem to care very little for security, privacy or good practices.

What that means is that we may end up having no choice. Want a laptop without TV that connects to the internet for access to Hulu and so forth but doesn't spy on you? Tough - either have it disconnected or connected and spying. Won't matter which set you buy because they'll all do it. Want a laptop without crap installed? Perhaps there are one or two brands that offer premium models without such things but they will be a few special, expensive or business-oriented models that carry a premium far in excess of the cost of just removing the crap.

Glass is looking a bit empty I'd say.

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