Reply to post: And when the criminals figure out the key?

Why does the NSA's boss care so much about backdoors when he can just steal all our encryption keys?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

And when the criminals figure out the key?

No, no, no. If there is a backdoor for "police", then the criminals will kill themselves trying to figure out how to get in it. And *when* they do, not if, NO ONE WILL KNOW for days/weeks/years while the bad guys steal logins, passwords, identities, credit card numbers, bank/retirement accounts, tax returns, etc etc etc.

How does this guy have this position and not understand this? Or is it just a matter of making his personal fiefdom bigger?

I'm all for finding/prosecuting terrorists and other criminals, but defeating security for everyone in pursuit of that goal is absolutely NOT the answer.

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