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Inside GOV.UK: 'Chaos' and 'nightmare' as trendy Cabinet Office wrecked govt websites

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Agile is a way for managers to answer the questions "How long will this take", "Why has this taken so long" and "Why doesn't [xxx] work?" and because it is "their" tool, think they can dictate development process and procedure while giving developers the illusion that they are "taking ownership" and "driving development".

Unfortunately the involvement of management and Agile guarantees that the time to make anything will be dramatically increased and that difficult core functionality can be hidden until the last minute behind abstract classes. Even better, by the time the difficult things are attempted it will become clear that some thought should have been given to the resulting issues before development even started, that to shoehorn them in is now virtually impossible and requires the whole system to be rewritten from scratch, so management can blame it all on the developers who, left to their own devices, would've just built the damn thing and then gone to lunch.

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