Reply to post: Re: UNIX?

Linux clockpocalypse in 2038 is looming and there's no 'serious plan'

Alan Burlison


"Leaving the Linux kernel aside, does anyone have an idea of which commercial UNIX products (as well as *BSDs) have this issue and which have been fixed already?"

One of my colleagues has written an article that describes what we are doing about this issue for Solaris, as part of a larger LP64 program - see There is also a link to a good description of the different options being considered for Linux - see The LWN link explains that Linux community want to keep open the possibility of running a 32-bit Kernel on embedded devices whereas for Solaris:

"Engineers at Sun long ago debated a “large time” extension to the 32-bit ABI like the large file interfaces, but decided to concentrate efforts on LP64 instead. Because Solaris is not trying to maintain 32-bit kernel support for embedded devices, that is not a problem we have to solve as we move forward. The result should be a simpler system, which is always a benefit for developers and ISVs."

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