Reply to post: Re: Wait

Your hard drives were riddled with NSA spyware for years

Lee D Silver badge

Re: Wait

Likely it doesn't "force" anything. It probably intercepts calls to well-known Windows boot files and replaces them with it's own version. Might be behind a blue-screen or two but then you'd realise when you bin the drive it fixes itself (however, by then, the malware is likely inside your core Windows images and backups).

But, yes, you have to start somewhere - you can't make a any-platform malware that'll work for everything, so you likely just write for your most likely target.

More importantly, this will stop source-code access to such things and/or stop foreign entities trusting anything made in the US. And likely they aren't the first. There's never been anything stopping a hard disk firmware literally KNOWING when you are accessing, say, the Windows boot process files and slipping in its own data. It could even interpret the NTFS, check filenames, boot sectors, etc. on-the-fly.

Except... surely... if you're encrypting everything that goes to disk, even the OS (which is the only secure way to encrypt)... this is useless? The hard disk won't be party to the key (because the read sectors will be encrypted data or an encrypted key which is only unlocked in RAM by the user's entered key?), and will never spot that the data going through it is ripe for insertion, nor have the ability to do so undetected.

The only chance to infect is initial boot and, well, wouldn't TPM and/or privately signed bootloaders stop that in its tracks? Again, anyone SERIOUS about not wanting the NSA et al inside their machine (e.g. Iranian nuclear plants, Chinese military, etc.) could probably just encrypt and enforce basic security and they're done?

Sorry, but these are attacks against bog-standard mainstream PC's with no security. Anyone with a brain shouldn't be storing anything of interest in there.

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