Reply to post: Re: I don't even know what "conductor non-linearity" is, but I bet it's undetectable..

$10,000 Ethernet cable promises BONKERS MP3 audio experience


Re: I don't even know what "conductor non-linearity" is, but I bet it's undetectable..


"It means it does not have a linear relationship between current and voltage."

Kinda. It means the resistance of the wire changes with temperature. As previously explored, resistance is a real factor that needs thought and fighting. If your cable is plenty thick enough for the signal you are transmitting - if you have left enough "headroom" - then a change in resistance due to temperature of, say, +/- 10% will not make a difference.

So make your cable thick enough and "non-linearity" won't be a problem for you. On a home system, 14AWG should be plenty - it can carry well above standard "mains power".

And to answer your other point, shielding /does/ increase capacitance. Look up how to construct a capacitor. You will find that when you put a charge through a conductor that is near another conductor (separated by a small amount of insulator - even air - called the "dielectric") that is earthed, you create a capacitor.

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