Reply to post: :;heh::

Watch it: It's watching you as you watch it (Your Samsung TV is)

jake Silver badge


One wonders if the marketards paying attention to all this spy-ware generated data will actually understand that all the people laughing at "the newest beauty product"[0], or the "fat burner pill of the month"[1], or useless vehicle advertising[2], or "take this pill to feel[hard|sexy|thin|better about yourself]"[3] or "Our Banking institution neverfleeces customers!"[4] etc. are totally serious ... Advertising is a complete farce, and always has been.

[0] Same claims made over 40+ years for completely different "beauty" products, none of which work as advertised.

[1] None of the other ones worked ... why are you still buying into the concept?

[2] Honestly, have YOU ever purchased a vehicle based on advertising instead of going out and looking at what's really available in the real world? If so, WHY??

[3] Ah, yes. Magic Fix-it Pills That trick never works, Bullwinkle.

[4] ::snort::

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