Reply to post: Re: Been nice knowing the RasPi

Microsoft eyes slice of Raspberry Pi with free Windows 10 sprinkled on top

John Bailey

Re: Been nice knowing the RasPi

"Embrace has begun, we all know what stages come next."


Exaggerate.. the importance of the product.

Extinguish.. the project when they finally face the fact that the latest big thing, ain't really that big.

10 years ago.. perhaps. When MS was able to command the internet, before it got it's teeth pulled. Microsoft was an entity to be feared.

Now days.. Not so much.

Just about every household name in consumer electronics contributes actively and openly to Linux. Because they benefit.

They stayed away in droves from surface. They offered alternatives to Vista, which is where the rot finally surfaced.. And 8 ha seen many old players bow out of the PC market.

The primary portable os is not Windows based.

Tablets owe little to project Origami.

Even government departments are moving away from MS lockin file formats, despite them buying the ISO certification.

The EEE strategy of yesterday is long long gone.

But never mind sweetie.. I'm sure this will be the year of Windows 8 on the desktop..

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