Reply to post: Re: h4rm0ny Re: He's obviously dangerous

Assange's cop chaperones have cost £10 MEEELLION to date

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: h4rm0ny Re: He's obviously dangerous

".....If it's costing this much, just stop guarding him......" But that is not the cost just of guarding him. The Police have to provide policing and a protection detail for the Ecuadoreans anyway, just as they do for any foreign consulate or embassy, and so the figure quoted is a massive stretching of the truth. The cost of providing the current visible Police presence outside A$$nut's hideyhole is being covered by the same budget that provides for the normal visible and undercover embassy policing. It's just more propaganda and myth to add to the long line of untruths spouted by The Followers of St Jules.

When A$$nut finally does emerge, even if he doesn't get shipped straight to Sweden, he will be locked up in the UK for bail-jumping. That process - sending A$$nut to prison - will cost and comes on top of the already massive costs to the taxpayer from his court case and appeal where he tried to get the EAW rejected. Depending on his sentence it will cost a further £40,000 a year to keep him locked up in an UK prison ( Personally I'm quite happy for my taxes to have paid for him to be locked up in an HMG prison or one of his own making.

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