Reply to post: Re: Out of touch with the real world of digital business.

Hey biz – cut fraud with digital ID verification. Yes, like Verify – Maude

Spearchucker Jones

Re: Out of touch with the real world of digital business.

It's worse when you consider Kim Cameron's 7 laws of identity. How is Experian a justifiable party to a driving license renewal?!?

It gets even crazier when you consider that GDS have written their own implementation of the SAML protocol to allow the likes of Experian to be ID providers. Why on earth would I rely on a home-grown, hand-crafted identity system from GDS when existing, proven, industrial-strength solutions (from IBM's DataPower appliance to Microsoft's ADFS) already exist?

The GDS solution doesn't do attribute provisioning, nor does is promote privacy (like for example the privacy-enhancing technology in U-Prove). So (dramatic example) Experian could know Peter is getting STD meds, or that Paul just got laid off...

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