Reply to post: @Matt Bryant ...Re: Indolent Wretch Not so fast

Google gets my data, I get search and email and that. Help help, I'm being REPRESSED!

Ian Michael Gumby

@Matt Bryant ...Re: Indolent Wretch Not so fast

In Chicago, there are a couple of companies that had been collecting data.

Nielsen Media, Symphony and a couple of others...

The difference is that when you make a purchase from a store, they capture the data. but they aggregate it and its not your, Matt B's purchased a pack of condoms (I won't say the size ... ;-) , but at Store X in City Y, n number of condoms brand XYZ was sold.

Pretty big difference from that in to knowing that

You bought the following: condoms, duct tape, a ski-mask, rope/cord and a flashlight.

And then Uber knows you scheduled a ride service to take you from your home to where your ex lives.

Now the funny part. Many would assume that you may be out for revenge, yet you bought the duct tape, flashlight and rope/cord, to fix some duct work in your loft and the ski mast because you live in the North Midwest and its cold out. Yes, the condoms are for you and your ex because... welll, you got back together for some make up sex.

(Shame on those who jumped to conclusions. ) ;-)

But you see Matt, that's the point. Thanks to Google, they know what you bought, (everything), where you searched online, and if you have gmail. Your emails have been read. (By a machine of course.) What you read online.. websites visited.. etc ..

All your thought belong to them... ;-)

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