Reply to post: Re: Google is not essential

Google gets my data, I get search and email and that. Help help, I'm being REPRESSED!

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Google is not essential

I call BS on that. Try blocking google (I mean actually block all of it, every IP they own) and then try to use the rest of the internet as normal and let us know how you get on...

I've tried it and can tell you what will happen. The web stops working, not bits of it but pretty much all of it. Want to know how to get to that place you just found on bing - tough, you have to use google maps to see that. Want to watch that instruction video - tough, it's hosted on youtube. You want to use that perfectly normal looking website with the nice user interface - you can't, the widget behind all the functionality is hosted by google... and so it goes.

As a consumer I can't choose not to use them.

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