Reply to post: Re: Mute Point

Google, Amazon 'n' pals fork out for AdBlock Plus 'unblock' – report

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Mute Point

Can't speak for Android, but iOS has different volume level settings for stuff like your ringer and text alerts than Youtube. You can turn Youtube down and still have loud rings, or vice versa.

Well, so long as you aren't using the completely unnecessary and privacy violating Youtube app. Google probably found a way to crank the volume in their app to make sure people hear the ads they're subjecting us to more often. The one thing I wish iOS had real multitasking for is to allow me to background a Youtube video while it plays its ad (silenced when it is in the background of course) so I can return in a minute or two, reset back to the beginning of the actual video, and never have to see the ad.

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