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Ugly, incomplete, buggy: Windows 10 faces a sprint to the finish


It's going to be hard for Windows 10 to satisfy anyone unless Microsoft really steps up it's game. MS decided it wanted to cater for lap/desktops, tablets and phones and the answer isn't necessarily integrating all of them.

I'm not sure what's going on inside Microsoft but you can see from Googling (or Binging, if that's your thing) "Windows concepts" that there's clearly some excellent and terrible ideas for the Windows UI out there - most of them are straight-forward and tweak the original formula closer to perfection. They are mockups that make me wonder why Microsoft never came up with them.

Instead we're in a situation where Microsoft will pick and choose all the feedback they want and said "hey, we listened to you". What they should be doing is listening to all that feedback, adding in the options to let users choose what they want from their desktop or tablet experience.

Meanwhile people seem to be deluded that it has to be one or the other. Windows 8 doesn't demonstrate that users won't let go of old ways - it demonstrates that Microsoft is capable of making terrible design decisions.

At the end of the day Microsoft aren't far off something that could satisfy both end-users if they just added in options to tweak the interface bit-by-bit, with a consistent and good-looking design language. You only have to go as far as image search to see how Microsoft could be capable of offering a rich desktop within a Metro-style design language.

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