Reply to post: Re: Just stop calling it Windows

You must have at least 8 inches for Windows 10 to go all the way


Re: Just stop calling it Windows

Microsoft Tiles is just a little disconcerting. People will be going to B&Q (hardware store) looking to buy it.

I've seen LXDE and XFCE ported to small screen devices like N900s. Neither are modern touch oriented desktops and neither are particularly useful beyond (kewl, I thought it could be done, so I did it).

8" or less seems a little arbitrary thought 6" minimum would be a more reasonable setting for borderline useability (for the most user control), but this is not about the useability minimum, the 8" minmum is well over the best presentation border for the desktop ui. They are ensuring it looks good to the point of not allowing you to make it look bad.

I guess it could be worse, they might have decided on a 11" minimum, then netbooks and ultrabooks would have neen relegated to near useless.

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