Reply to post: Re: Organising the Techies

Switch it off and on again: How peers failed to sneak Snoopers' Charter into terror bill

Eponymous Cowherd
Big Brother

Re: Organising the Techies

While avoiding the snoopers charter infrastructure wouldn't be that difficult, what is really needed is to make that avoidance plug and play.

Gargoyle supports TOR via a plugin, and you can configure it to route data from your LAN over TOR by default, so that nothing from your home network can be "snooped".

So what we need are broadband routers that offer TOR connectivity out of the box (without having to flash a 3rd party replacement OS) and which can be bought from your local PC World.

TOR, of course, has demonstrable weaknesses, so research into a more secure anonymising network (TOR2?) which could be implemented in hardware / firmware on off-the-shelf routers would be a laudable goal.

Kickstarter, perhaps? A secure broadband router that protects you against Government snooping? Reckon that'd sell.

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