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NSA gunning for Google, wants cop-spotting dropped from Waze app


"Yeah, because we all know how the UK doesn't have any gun crime at all..."

Not really, no.

Number of gun murders in UK in 2012 (latest statistics I could easily find): 30.

Number fo gun murders in US in 2012: 8855.

Throw in suicide? 28621 for US, 114 for the UK. Indeed, the number of total UK suicides, by population is equivalent to 25818 in the US, which is more than suicides by firearms at 19766, but way lower than total US suicides at 38285.

The number of TOTAL UK gun crimes, i.e., any crime involving a gun, is around the same as US murders by firearm. (This is not adjusted for population, so UK gun crime is around five times more than US gun murders, or about 30% more than total US gun deaths.)

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