Reply to post: Basic principles?

Landlines: The tech that just won't die

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Basic principles?

A previous monopoly/oligopoly created then modified by central guvmint should:

1 - not be a principle provider of services direct to public, to other commercial organisations with which it, on the face of it, is in direct competition with either for commercial competitors or direct to customer.

2 - BT at de-regulation should have been presented with choice of being

(a) national provider of wires n technologies to all in the country

(b) provider of services to entities (commercial, profit or no-profit) providing direct to customer services

(c) provider of services direct to end user customers.

These should have been made at the time and should have been made mutually exclusive?

3 - for the situation to continue to exist in its present 'orrible state OFCOM needs to be decommissioned tout de suite (if that means straight away without further delay that is).

I know the above is fraught with misinterpretation but hey - these principles could keep a sizeable (seizable?) army of civil servants in the pink until several generations of retirements has past no?

In the US they have a way of splitting an organisation up if it dominates too many sectors in a market and BT is prime for that sort of splitting up (so were gas, electricity, water, national health, national transport, national coal, national wheeled vehicle manufacture, national flying machines, ... but those opportunities seem to have almost past by now?)

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