Reply to post: Re: I cancelled my landline a couple of years ago.

Landlines: The tech that just won't die

Andy Non Silver badge

Re: I cancelled my landline a couple of years ago.

Yes, mine is a Huawei box. For international calls we use Skype. Great not be reliant on the land line any more. It used to cost €34 per month for the land line plus another €20 per month on top of that for poor quality unreliable dial-up internet. Now we have 3G internet capped at 12 GB per month for €25. Half the price for a far superior service! It got to the stage with dial-up that it needed to be connected almost 24/7 just to keep up with system updates! Much of the time it only worked at 22k; but then the phone lines are very old and badly maintained - the line is dangling from the telegraph pole up the road so the cows can play at skipping with it. Orange weren't interested in repairing it because "it still works".

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