Reply to post: Re: We need to make clear...

Sly peers attempt to thrust hated Snoopers' Charter into counter-terror and security bill


Re: We need to make clear...

I think the politicos are panicing. They don't really understand how the world has changed in subtle ways and they are threatened by these changes. Odd, really, they are usually quick enough to adapt to any situation that wil give them the opportunity to acquire more money or another house at the taxpayers expense. It's probably a deficency in the the public school system.

The bubbling pot of resentment over injusitices or inequalities real or perceived is always there. Unwise or badly expressed sentiment just makes it spit and seethe for a while and the hob will need a wipe, but it doesn't take more than a few badly thought out actions for it to boil over and ruin the stew.

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