Reply to post: Re: Hellooooo UBUNTU...

Pull up the Windows 10 duvet and pretend Win8 and Vista were BAD DREAMS


Re: Hellooooo UBUNTU...

I've no complaints about the look and feel, its more about "Ok I'd like to do "x" how do I that? So I have to invest time digging about finding out what tool does "x"... if I don't have it.. where do I get? How do I install it? How do I invoke it? How do I use it?

None of this is particularly difficult or impossible, my point is that I;m at home, I *just* want to 'X', I don't want to teach myself new stuff.. i *just* want to do 'x' and then go and do something else.

At some point I'll have some spare time so I'll figure out how to do and that's great but now I want to do 'y' and teh whole shebang starts again.... Obviously there are points where both things touch but I think you can see my point.

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