Reply to post: Re: Age has not withered it ...

Wizard of Oz OFFICIALLY 'most significant movie' EVER, says PNAS

Tom 13

Re: Age has not withered it ...


Color was not a significant factor in the movie world before The Wizard of Oz was released. I know The Jazz Singer get nods for first color film, but I think a lot of people mark Oz as the change point for the industry. Part of that comes from the transition from B&W to color in the film itself. Part of that came from people keeping the color part a secret when it was first released.

While time will have some affect on references, the 25 year period is definitely needed to remove noise from signal. Several posters above have referenced Princess Bride with their quotes. Will it stand the test of time the way that Oz has? Maybe, but I don't think they're on the same level of cultural impact.

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