Reply to post: Windows 10

Microsoft just saved Windows Phone... Now stop whining

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Windows 10

It seems to me the big problem is Microsoft now trying to tie everything together means they're effectively blocking Windows Phone updates and releases while they wait to get final Windows 10 APIs in order to deliver the 'write once, run anywhere' thing.

It's a nice idea, but the release cycle for Windows desktop is 5 years or whatever, for mobile they really need to be knocking out big major releases every year with maybe a minor update halfway through the year.

I've used Windows Phone since 3-4 months ago and like it a lot, but there are small annoyances that just need to be fixed, but Microsoft just doesn't seem responsive and it's not really clear if their heart is really in it. To be honest, they'd be much better not worrying about linking it into the whole Windows 10 thing, just put a bunch of people on the case full time focusing on phone and let them knock out updates whenever they can.

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