Reply to post: Re: What is the best practice here?

Scary code of the week: Valve Steam CLEANS Linux PCs (if you're not careful)

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: What is the best practice here?

But at least running as a non-root user will prevent bad code like this from damaging the system as a whole.

You think so?

A year or so ago our sysadmins started getting calls from users (this in an office with 100+ Unix developers) about missing files. The calls quickly turned into a queue outside the admin's offices. Running a "df" on the main home directory server showed the free space rapidly climbing...

Some hasty network analysis eventually led to a test system running a QA test script with pretty much the bug described here. It was running as a test user, so could only delete the files that had suitable "other" permissions, but it was starting at a root that encompassed the whole NFS-automounted user home directory tree. The script was effectively working its way through the users in alphabetical order, deleting every world-accessible file in each user's home directory tree.

Frankly, if it had been running as root it would probably have trashed (and crashed) the test system before too much external harm was done. Fortunately our admins are competent at keeping offline backups.

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