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Dongle bingle makes two MEELLION cars open to exploit

Mark 85

But..but.. it's the wave the future and the future is here now. It's been in all the papers. :) Yeah, I got hit on that... good driver/low milage and let us track your car for lower rates. Except my car doesn't have anyway for Bluetooth to work. No On-star, etc. The agent suddenly changed tactics and tried to talk me into getting a new car for lower premiums. I wonder how many idiots fall for that. I might have if (bit IF) I needed a new car since their interest rate was like 1% (well below the bank's)..

But that's the game with the IoT's, give you a seemingly good deal while extracting and monitoring you. I wonder how many people would put up with such tracking and targeting if it was done by the government for, say, a lower tax rate? (I hope NSA doesn't read this... they might talk to Congress.)

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