Reply to post: Re: Pretty misleading title

Kiss your Glass goodbye: Google mothballs techno-specs (for now)

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Pretty misleading title

They probably cannot afford to back out of their TIA promises to the NSA anyway..

It will take some updating of movies, though. The new Jason Bourne movie will have CIA agents switch from Glasshole to Glasshole tracking a fugitive. "We need eyes on Bond Street" - "Got a Glasshole in that location, Sir" "Well, switch over" "He's looking the wrong way, Sir" "Feed him some crap that makes him turn his head then, get on with it" "Moving blonde projected .. and we have a visual, Sir"

Implausible? You do recall this was the company that "accidentally" sniffed any unprotected Wifi in a pretty much global campaign? I wouldn't put this past them. Well, that is, if they somehow manage to make being a Glasshole socially acceptable. Thankfully that didn't work with v1.

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