Reply to post: Re: They arent a serious party..

UKIP website TAKES A KIP, but for why?


Re: They arent a serious party..

The UK needs immigration, nobody with any sense (including Farage) has denied that. UK membership of the EU allows any low hanging fruit that decides to just show up to take a chunk of the wealth the country has accumulated and walk away. Doesn't apply to everybody but to call people asking the question either racist or "extreme right" is utterly absurd; it's the centrist position on immigration in the UK, today. That isn't healthy in any way shape or form either economically or politically - it pretty *clearly* sows seeds of discontent, which could easily turn into who knows what.

The UK should be able to control its immigration, be it wide open or essentially closed borders, based on the needs and wants of the country and the people who live there. Anything less can only lead to people quoting Powell, as we have seen.

"I don't know about you, but I hear very few people talking about this"

I live in London but I'm from the north and any time I return it's basically *all* I hear about.

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