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Snowden leaks lack context says security studies professor

codejunky Silver badge


The hiccup and major stumble of the NSA was to deny they were doing something, and then be proven without any doubt or hope of grey area that they were doing it ESPECIALLY when talking to the very people put in place to monitor them. This means the NSA can say they dont use mind control and people will be more than justified assuming the opposite. Their credibility is blown.

Add to that the lack of action seen by the public and there is a good reason to assume that things carry on as before and with little oversight (or an unofficial nod). The chaotic and embarrassing way Snowden's credibility was attacked and was branded traitor but of little, then more, then high importance.

Simply if the public image of Snowden's escape and clumsy attacks against his character along with outright NSA lying then people may trust that side of the story more than 1 man stuck in Russia. Which was achieved by the US trapping him there.

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