Reply to post: Re: "but you'll need to speak German to appreciate it."

German minister fingered as hacker 'steals' her thumbprint from a PHOTO


Re: "but you'll need to speak German to appreciate it."

"(automatic translation does exist and is quite good these days)"

I started writing that Google translate (as an example) isn't great, although it is much better than it was, but I tried it for the first time in a while on some German and you can get the drift most of the time. I took the first article from Der Spiegel, which is on Internet food delivery. The first two paragraphs are translated reasonably well, and the third is a bit more comedy:

Sind diese Sorgen berechtigt oder sind die Lieferdienste eine gute Alternative zum stressigen Supermarktbesuch? Zehn SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Mitarbeiter haben im Selbstversuch jeweils einen Anbieter getestet und sich Waren nach Hause in die Stadt oder aufs Land liefern lassen. Dazu bekam jeder Tester denselben Einkaufszettel. Am Ende haben wir die Online-Lieferdienste dann noch dem Offline-Vergleich unterzogen und einen Tester mit der Einkaufsliste zu Aldi geschickt.

And its translation:

Are these concerns justified or are the delivery services a good alternative to stressful supermarket visit? Ten SPIEGEL ONLINE employees each have tested a provider self-experimentation and have goods delivered to their homes in the city or the country. For this purpose, each probe was the same shopping list. In the end we have the online delivery then subjected to the offline comparison and sent a tester with the list of Aldi.

Selbstversuch, which means self-experimentation, can also be translated, particularly here, as for ourselves.And so on.

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