Reply to post: Re: A s*#t storm compared to the s*#t typhoon coming with Star Citizen

Frustration with Elite:Dangerous boils over into 'Refund Quest'


Re: A s*#t storm compared to the s*#t typhoon coming with Star Citizen


Well, they certainly have the credits for it.

One difference is that Elite actually promised offline play, whereas for SQ it was a 'stretch goal' and was worked up as a separate game, playing out in the same universe, acting as a kind of lead-in to the MMO world. That game has its own team and so is rather unlikely to be cut, especially given its 'stretch goal' status, which essentially is saying: "if you give us more, we will do X and specifically X".

Who knows how SQ will turn out but the number of backers means that it's likely to have a SERIOUS following from day one, which is a big criticism of Elite - they're forced the O but it seems to be missing the MM part.

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